Good News in Indiana! Changes to UST Cleanup Reimbursement Law

Effective July 1, 2017, Indiana House Bill 1495 will benefit claimants of the Excess Liability Trust Fund (ELTF). Costs paid by the claimant to technicians for services performed in preparation of the claimant’s ELTF claim will be reimbursable. So, reasonable costs for obtaining professional assistance with claims will no longer be an out-of-pocket expense for claimants.

The bill also revises the section regarding reductions in the amount available for an eligible release. As of July 1, 2017, an eligible release discovered on or after July 1, 2016, will be subject to reduced coverage if any annual registration fees that were due in 2014 or a later year are not paid in full before submittal of the initial site characterization. Previously, reduction amounts had been based on unpaid fees back to 1991.

Pinnacle had been suggesting ELTF coverage for claim preparation costs, as many other state funds provide. So, we are pleased our clients and all claimants will benefit.

Want to seek professional claim preparation services with costs covered by the ELTF? Contact Liz Petley, Program Manager, at 754.220.4921.

Hannah Pomphrey
Owned and operated by Hannah Pomphrey, Designer and Creative Consultant. Hue & Tone specializes in print and web design for small businesses and non-profits.

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